We are very sad to report the passing of our Junior Deacon W:.B:. Angelo Mino. Angelo was a Past Master of Lenexa Lodge No 35 and transferred to Gardner Lodge a few years ago along with his son in law Alex Powers. The link for Angelo’s Obituary is as follows:
On May 4th there was a first (to our knowledge) in Gardner Lodge. Part of Angelos final wishes were to have his service and Masonic Rites performed in Gardner Lodge with “His Brothers!”. Well, we are pleased to say we made that happen. It was a packed house to say the least. With many coming and going and still a large amount staying throughout there were over 300+ names on the visitor log.
The Masonic Rites portion of the ceremony was extremely well attended with several Grand Lodge representatives in attendance including both the Current Grand Master of Kansas M:.W:. Dale Morrow as well as the current Deputy Grand Master R:.W:. Tony Borum among many others. A good problem to have as the Masons processed in there was not nearly enough room for them to congregate all in the East so it ended up with the audience filling every chair in the house and the Masonry stretching from multiple in the East and lines running down both sides of the lodge to the rear doors as well as a few that overfilled into the side room. We knew it would be a tight fit but if we can tell you one thing we remember best about Angelo is that he Loved a packed house for Masonic events, and we sure gave him that!
We did the service a little more traditional than you typically see in this area these days. One of those items being that every Mason present deposited a sprig of evergreen which made for a very powerful tribute.
Brother Angelo, You are severely missed but we know you are now doing great works in the Grand Lodge above. Until then my Brother, Until then…